Marketing: We offer wide ranging opportunities to suit yours & the customers needs:
- Media - newsprint, radio, television
- Posters describing Event, i.e., Locations, Name, Dates with coordinated graphics
- Coupons for heavy discounts distributed through-out targeted areas
- Tag us with your sponsors ads - we offer comp tickets and discounts
PRESALE tickets - so strong - Rain or Shine - they get their own Sub Page
- Opportunities for Sponsor & Event Signage - Your Name 45' in the Air
- Our movable Flag Stations with your Flags waving proudly
- Our operators wearing & displaying your shirts or hats on designated days
- Theme the Carnival Entrance with ideas, i.e., Great Falls Tribune presents:
Sponsor a Day Ride Promotions:
- Buddy Passes, Family Day/Night, Military Days, Heritage Days, your ideas
- Recieve Special comp passes, rest areas and similar
Rentals: Tired of backyard bounces and limited equipment ? Our Equipment & Ideas are for rent !
- We offer accessable Management teams, Fair prices & Solutions
- Corporate & Private parties
- Commercials
- Television and Movies
- National & City Events
Park Benches, Picnic Tables, Seated Rest Areas, Refuse Containers - What are you waiting for? 623.203.5565 or 623.225.5241